Recently, Brett Sholtis (a reporter with WITF) rode along with Captain Tempel as they saved the life of a patient overdosing on Heroin. Captain Tempel’s experience and expertise saved the life of this patient in what is becoming an increasingly common problem facing EMS agencies across the US.

Listen here as they respond to the incident: HERE Transforming Health

“In Dauphin County, Susquehanna Township EMS crews — like others across the region — are increasingly relying on the anti-overdose drug naloxone to revive people. This audio is from a ride-along with EMS Captain Dan Tempel during a recent evening shift. When the call came in, Tempel and his crew rushed across town to save a man in Harrisburg who overdosed.The main voice you hear is from Captain Tempel. As a note to listeners, some of the sounds contained in this story may be disturbing.”