“No matter how rapid the arrival of Professional Emergency responders, bystanders will always be first on the scene. A person who is bleeding can die from loss within five minutes, so it’s important to quickly stop the blood loss. Remember to be aware of your surroundings and move yourself and the injured person to safety, if necessary. Call 911. Bystanders can take simple steps to keep the injured alive until appropriate medical care is available. Here are three actions that you have can take to save a life:
1. Apply Pressure with hands. Expose to find where the bleeding is coming from and apply firm, steady pressure to the bleeding with both hands if possible.
2. Apply Dressing and Press. Expose to find where the bleeding is coming from and apply firm and steady pressure to the bleeding site with bandages or clothing.
3. Apply Tourniquet(s). If the bleeding doesn’t stop, place a tourniquet 2-3 inches closer to the torso from the bleeding. The tourniquet may be applied and secured over clothing. Pull the strap through the buckle, twist the rod tightly, clip and secure the rod with the clasp or the Velcro strap. ” source https://www.dhs.gov/stopthebleed
2nd Annual Training Symposium
Please join us for our Second Annual National EMS Week Training Symposium on the evening of May 21st! Event is FREE!!!! Dinner/drinks provided. Tons of door prize giveaways! Click the link or scan the QR Read more…